Weeds – nothing makes for a bigger eyesore in lawns across Minnesota. Many of the most troublesome lawn weeds are invasive species and, like all invasive species, they’ve become notorious for outcompeting native species and ruining our ecosystem. Once these noxious weeds become established on your lawn, they can be nearly impossible to get rid of without rigorous efforts.
Several common species of lawn weeds plague yards throughout Minnesota, and infestations may require professional help to eradicate. Here is a guide to some of the most common species that might become a menace to your lawn.
The Most Common Weed Species in Minnesota Lawns
- Dandelions – Perhaps the most infamous weed species found in Minnesota, and the U.S. as a whole, dandelions are broadleaf weeds that seem to pop up in just about every lawn from spring to fall. You probably know what dandelions look like; in case you need a refresher, they resemble a bundle of long, toothed leaves with a single stalk in the middle, topped with either a small yellow flower or a seed head covered in floating white seeds. Dandelions will steal water and nutrients from your grass with deep-running roots and they also cause allergic reactions from some people.
- Crabgrass – A pernicious species of grassy weed, there are several varieties of crabgrass but all of them will harm the aesthetic of your lawn. Crabgrass is far more drought-resistant than ordinary grass, and will quickly grow to cover any dead areas in your lawn. You can recognize crabgrass as a circularly-expanding clump of long grass strands. Crabgrass first appears in mid-spring and expands rapidly throughout summer. Like most weed species found in Minnesota, crabgrass can outcompete your grass for nutrients and will take over your lawn unless properly treated.
- Creeping Charlie – A creeper weed native to Europe, creeping charlie is an invasive weed in the United States which encroaches on yards throughout Minnesota. You can recognize creeping charlies by its round, blunt-toothed leaves and the violet flowers which bloom from March to July. Creeping charlie is a perennial weed, meaning that it can survive Minnesota’s winters. Unlike grass, creeping charlie can also easily survive in shady areas and will quickly take them over, before spreading into the lawn to compete with grass. Creeping charlie can also invade your gardens and choke out other plants, making it vital to kill this weed quickly in spring.
- Thistle – Most noxious weeds are harmful to your lawn and gardens but thistle can hurt you, too. A European native that is invasive in the U.S., thistle is one of the fastest spreading and most harmful noxious weeds in Minnesota. Thistle is a tall-growing broadleaf with sharp prickles on both its leaves and stems, and violet flowers that bloom in July and August. Once thistle finds its way into your lawn and your garden beds, it’ll quickly multiply, outcompete your grass and flowers, and become a prickly hazard for everyone in your yard.
- Nutsedge – Also known as “nut grass,” nutsedge is a fast-growing and fast-spreading weed that often takes over lawns in Minnesota. Nutsedge are tall-growing grassy weeds that can be identified by their distinctive seedheads. Because nutsedge thrives in moist soil, it often crops up in yards that are overwatered. Once nutsedge is established in your lawn or garden beds, getting rid of it can prove a nigh-impossible task. If allowed to grow out of control, nutsedge will quickly overwhelm your lawn.
Professional Weed Control in the Twin Cities
When noxious weeds invade your lawn and garden, they can ruin your home’s curb appeal by choking out grass and flowers. While store-bought weed control products may be sufficient to eliminate small infestations, fully ridding your yard of these invasive weeds may require the work of a professional outdoor maintenance crew. Call Ground One today for the most efficient weed control services in the greater Twin Cities area!