Here are three tips for dealing with the permit and zoning issues that come along with recycled water use:
- Stay up to date with permits, both before and after the planning phases. “Requirements change all the time,” Vinchesi says. In fact, Irrigation Consultants, Inc. once started a project and when they returned to finish the paperwork, they found that the town had changed its regulations on how pipes cross the streets. But by sitting down and talking to the authorities, the company was able to solve the problem amicably.
- Consider both the municipal and the state rules when it comes to permits. The strictest rules are the ones you need to worry about. In California, there are nine separate regional water quality control boards, all with separate regulations, so it’s important to research and find out all of the requirements.
- Involve all of the members of your team, including the client and the water supplier, as early on as possible. For example, the state of Arizona recommends scheduling a pre-application conference with the state department of environmental quality to discuss permitting issues.
To learn more about preparing for permits click on the link http://www.lawnandlandscape.com/efficient-irrigation-06302014-recycled-water-permits.aspx and contact our landscape professionals at 952-884-3336 for any further questions!
(Reprinted from MNLA eNews “Prepare for permits” Friday, July 25,2014.)